The following list is not a comprehensive list of all species present in the area around Casa Mariposa.
Rather it is a compilation of sightings by visitors staying at the Casa Mariposa.
These sightings occured on or around our property, at Cloudbridge Reserve and along the Chirripó trail.
to Beth Kinsey, Tim, Judy and Logan Phillips, John Titan, Roald Van Stijn, Peter Holmes, Bob Yukich,
Brian Eubanks, the many Cloudbridge Volunteers,
and The Audubon Association of Costa Rica and Anonymous for the sightings and great photos!
If you have sightings from our area you would like to share and add to our website
please email at contact@hotelcasamariposa.net
photos of birds
English Name
(Click on link for photo)
Spanish Name
Scientific Name
(Click on link for call)
Gray-Necked Wood Rail
Chirincoco, Pone-Pone
Aramides cajanea
Resident, Common
Black Guan
Pava Negra
Chamaepetes unicolor
Resident, Becoming Rare
Highland Timamou
Gallina de Monte
Nothocercus bonopartei
Resident, Uncommon
Spotted Wood-Quail
Codorniz Moteada
Odontophorus guttatus
Resident, Common
Swallow-Tailed Kite
Gavilán Tijerilla
Elanoides forficatus
Migratory, Common
Black Vulture
Zopilote Negro
Cathartes aura
Resident, Common
Turkey Vulture
Zopilote Cabecirrojo
Coragyps atratus
Resident, Common
Red-tailed Hawk
Gavilán Colirrojo
Buteo jamaicensis
Resident/Migratory, Uncommon
Barred Forest Falcon
Halcón de Monte Barreteado
Micrastur ruficollis
Resident, Rare
Yellow-Headed Caracara
Caracara Cabecigualdo
Milvago chimachima
Immigrant from Panama
Double-Toothed Kite
Gavilán Gorgirrayado
Harpagus bidentatus
Resident, Fairly Common
Band-tailed Pigeon
Paloma Collareja
Columba fasciata
Resident, Common
Ruddy Pigeon
Paloma Rojiza
Columba subvinacea
Resident, Common
White-tipped Dove
Paloma Coliblanca
Leptotila verreauxi
Resident, Rare
Buff-fronted Quail-Dove
Paloma-Perdiz Costarriqueña
Geotrygon costaricensis
Resident, Rare
Chiriqui Quail-Dove
Paloma-Perdiz Pechicanela
Geotrygon chiriquensis
Resident, Uncommon
Sulfur-winged Parakeet
Perico Aliazufrado
Pyrrhura hoffmanni
Resident, Abundant
Red-fronted Parrotlet
Periquito Alirrojo
Touit costricensis
Dry season visitor
Squirrel Cuckoo
Cuco Ardilla
Piaya cayana
Resident, Common
Mottled Owl
Lechuza Café
Ciccaba virgata
Resident, Rare
Bare-shanked Screech-Owl
Lechucita Serranera
Otus clarkii
Resident, Rare
Spectacled Owl
Buho de Anteojos
Pulsatrix perspicillata
Resident, Fairly Common
Andean Pygmy-Owl
Mochuelo Montanero
Glaucidium jardini
Resident, Fairly Common
Common Pauraque
Tapacaminos Común
Nyctidromus albicollis
Resident, Uncommon
White-collard Swift
Streptoprocne zonaris
Resident, Common
Blue-and-White Swallow
Golondrina Azul y Blanco
Notiochelidon cyanoleuca
Resident, Common
Green Hermit
Ermitaño Verde
Phaethornis guy
Resident, Common
Little Hermit
Ermitaño Enano
Phaethornis longuemareus
Resident, Rare
Violet Sabrewing
Ala de Sable Violáceo
Campylopterus hemileucurus
Resident, Abundant
Green Violet-ear
Colibrí Orejivioláceo Verde
Colibri thalassinus
Resident, Uncommon
Purple-crowned Fairy
Colibrí Picopunzón
Heliothryx barotti
Resident, Uncommon
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
Amazilia Vientriblanca
Amazilia edward
Resident, Common
Rufus-tailed Hummingbird
Amazilia Rabirrufa
Amazilia tzacatl
Resident, Abundant
Striped-tailed Hummingbird
Colibrí Colirrayado
Eupherusa eximia
Resident, Common
White-tailed Emerald
Esmeralda Coliblanca
Elvira chionura
Resident, Rare
Gray-tailed Mountain Gem
Colibrí Montañes Coligrís
Lampornis cinereicauda
Resident, Common
Purple-throated mountain Gem
Colibrí Montañés Gorgimorado
Lampornis calolaema
Resident, Uncommon
Green-crowned Brilliant
Brillante Frentiverde
Heliodoxa jacula
Resident, Uncommon
Magnificent Hummingbird
Colibrí Magnífico
Eugenes fulgens
Resident, Uncommon
Scintillant Hummingbird
Chispita Gorginaranja
Selasphorus scintilla
Resident, Common
Resplendent Quetzal
Pharomachrus mocinno
Resident, Becoming Common
Collared Trogon
Trogón Collarejo
Trogon collaris
Resident, Common
Blue-Crowned MotMot
Pájaro Bobo
Momotus momota
Resident, Common
Firery-billed Aracari
Pteroglossus frantzii
Resident, Common
Emerald Toucanet
Tucancillo Verde
Aulacorhynchus prasinus
Resident, Abundant
Chestnut Manibled Toucan
Ramphastost swainsonii
Resident, Frequent
Red-headed Barbet
Barbudo Cabecirrojo
Eubucco bourcierii
Resident, Common
Olivaceous Picolet
Carpenterito Olivaceo
Picumnus olivaceous
Resident, Rare
Acorn Woodpecker
Carpintero Careto
Melanerpes formicivorus
Resident, Common
Lineated Woodpecker
Carpintero Lineado
Dryocopus lineatus
Resident, Uncommon
Red-crowned Woodpecker
Carpintero nuquirrojo
Melanerpes rubicapillus
Resident, common
Smokey-brown Woodpecker
Carpintero pardo
Veniliornis fumigatus
Resident, common
Hairy Woodpecker
Carpintero Serranero
Picoides villosus
Resident, Uncommon
Golden-olive Woodpecker
Carpintero Verde Dorado
Piculus rubiginosus
Resident, Rare
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper
Trepadorcito Pico de Cuña
Glyphorhynchus spirurus
Resident, Rare
Spotted-crowned Woodcreeper
Trepador Cabecipunteado
Lepidocolaptes affinis
Resident, Abundant
Brown-billed Scythebill
Trepador Pico de Hoz
Campylorhamphus pusillus
Resident, Rare
Red-faced Spinetail
Colaespina Carirroja
Cranioleuca erythrops
Resident, Common
Spotted Barbtail
Subepalo Moteado
Premnoplex brunnescens
Resident, Uncommon
Ruddy Treerunner
Trepador Rojizo
Margarornis rubiginosus
Resident, Uncommon
Buffy Tuftedcheek
Trepamusgo Cachetón
Pseudocolaptes lawrencii
Resident, Uncommon
Lineated Foliage-gleaner
Trepamusgo Lineado
Syndactyla subalaris
Resident, Common
Spectacled Foliage-gleaner
Trepamusgo de Anteojos
Anabacerthia variegaticeps
Resident, Rare
Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner
Trepamusgo Rojizo
Philydor rufus
Resident, Uncommon
Streaked-breasted Treehunter
Trepamusgo Cuellirojizo
Thripadectes rufobrunneous
Resident, Uncommon
Streaked Xenops
Xenops Rayado
Xenops rutilans
Resident, Rare
Slaty Antwren
Hormiguerito Pizarroso
Myrmotherula schisticolor
Resident, Unvommon
Barred Becard
Cabezón Ondeado
Pachyramphus versicolor
Resident, Common
Masked Tityra
Tityra Carirroja
Tityra semifasciata
Resident, Common
Black Phoebe
Mosquero de Agua
Sayornis nigricans
Resident, Uncommon
Boat-billed Flycatcher
Mosquerón Picudo
Megarhynchus pitangua
Resident, Rare
Golden-bellied Flycatcher
Mosquero Vientridorado
Myiodynastes hemichrysus
Resident, Common
Gray-capped Flycatcher
Mosquero Cabecigrís
Myiozetetes granadensis
Resident, Rare
Social Flycatcher
Mosquero Cejiblanco
Myiozetetes similis
Resident, Rare
Great Kiskadee
Bienteveo Grande
Pitangus sulphuratus
Resident, Rare
Dusky-capped Flycatcher
Copetón Crestioscuro
Myiarchus tuberculifer
Resident, Rare
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Pibí Oriental
Contopus virens
Migratory, Common
Dark Pewee
Pibí Sombrío
Contopus lugubris
Resident, Rare
Ochraceous Pewee
Pibí Ocraceo
Contopus ochraceous
Resident, Rare
Yellowish Flycatcher
Mosquerito Amarillento
Empidonax flavescens
Resident, Common
Black-capped Flycatcher
Mosquerito Cabecinegro
Empidonax atriceps
Resident, Rare
Tufted Flycatcher
Mosquerito Moñudo
Mitrephanes phaeocercus
Resident, Common
Eye-ringed Flatbill
Piquiplano de Anteojos
Rhynchocyclus brevirostris
Resident, Rare
Torrent Tyrannulet
Mosquerito Guardarrios
Serpophaga cinerea
Resident, Common
Mountain Elaenia
Elainia Montañera
Elaenia frantzii
Resident, Uncommon
Mistletoe (Paltry) Tyrannulet
Mosquerito Cejigrís
Zimmerius vilissimus
Resident, Abundant
Slaty-capped Flycatcher
Mosquerito Orejinegro
Leptopogon superciliaris
Resident, Rare
Olive-striped Flycatcher
Mosquerito Ojimanchado
Mionectes olivaceus
Resident, Uncommon
Plain Wren
Soterrey Chinchiriguí
Thryothorus modestus
Resident, Rare
House Wren
Soterrey Cucarachero
Troglodytes aedon
Resident, Common
Ochraceous Wren
Soterrey Ocroso
Troglodytes ochraceus
Resident, Uncommon
Gray-breasted Wood-wren
Soterrey de Selva Pechigrís
Henicorhina leucophrys
Resident, Abundant
Clay-colored Robin
Mirlo Pardo (Yiguirro)
Turdus grayi
Resident, Common
Mountain Robin
Mirlo Montañero
Turdus plebejus
Resident, Common
Sooty Robin
Mirlo Negruzco
Turdus nigrescens
Resident, Common
Swainson's Thrush
Zorzal de Swainson
Catharus ustulatus
Migratory, Rare
Wood Thrush
Zorzal de Bosque
Hylocichla mustelina
Migratory, Common
Black-faced Solitaire
Myadestes melanops
Resident, Common
Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush
Zorzal Sombrío
Catharus fuscate
Resident, Common
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush
Zorzal Gorrirojizo
Catharus frantzii
Resident, Common
Orange-billed Nightingale Thrush
Zorzal Piquianaranjado
Catharus aurantiirostris
Resident, Common
American Dipper
Mirlo Acuatico Plomizo
Cinclus mexicanus
Resident, Common
Silvery-throated Jay
Urraca Gorgiplateada
Cyanolyca argentigula
Resident, Uncommon
Brown Jay
Urraca Parda
Cyanocorax affinis
Resident, Common
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Capulinero Colilargo
Ptilogonys caudatus
Resident, Uncommon
Rufus-browed Peppershrike
Vireon Cejirrufo
Cyclarhis gujanensis
Resident, Common
Yellow-winged Vireo
Vireo Aliamarillo
Vireo carmioli
Resident, Common
Red-eyed Vireo
Vireo Ojirrojo
Vireo olivaceus
Migratory, Uncommon
Philadelphia Vireo
Vireo Amarillento
Vireo philadelphicus
Migratory, Uncommon
Brown-capped Vireo
Vireo Montañero
Vireo leucophrys
Resident, Common
Reinita Mielera
Coereba flaveola
Resident, Common
Black-and-White Warbler
Reinita Trepadora
Mniotilta varia
Migratory, Uncommon
Golden-winged Warbler
Reinita Alidorada
Vermivora chrysoptera
Migratory, Uncommon
Tennessee Warbler
Reinita Verdilla
Vermivora peregrina
Migratory, Common
Flame-throated Warbler
Garganta de Fuego
Parula gutturalis
Resident, Uncommon
Tropical Parula
Parula Tropical
Parula pitiayumi
Resident, Common
Black-throated Green Warbler
Reinita Cariamarilla
Dendroica virens
Migratory, Common
Blackburnian Warbler
Reinita Gorginaranja
Dendroica fusca
Migratory, Common
Louisiana Waterthrush
Reinita Acuatica Piquigrande
Seiurus motacilla
Migratory, Uncommon
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
Antifacito Coronigrís
Geothlypis poliocephala
Resident, Rare
Wilson's Warbler
Reinita Gorrinegra
Wilsonia pusilla
Migratory, Abundant
Canada Warbler
Reinita Pechirrayada
Wilsonia canadensis
Migratory, Rare
Slate-throated Redstart
Candelita Pechinegra
Myioborus miniatus
Resident, Abundant
Collared Redstart
Candelita Collareja
(Amigo del Hombre)
Myioborus torquatus
Resident, Abundant
Golden-crowned Warbler
Reinita Coronidorada
Basileuterus culicivorus
Resident, Rare
Three-striped Warbler
Reinita Cabecilistada
Basileuterus tristriatus
Resident, Abundant
Black-cheeked Warbler
Reinita Carinegra
Basileuterus melanogenys
Resident, Abundant
Balitimore Oriole
Bolsero Norteño
Icterus galbula
Migratory, Uncommon
Golden-browed Chlorophonia
Clorofonia Cejidorada
Chlorophonia callophrys
Resident, Uncommon
Blue-hooded Euphonia
Eufonia Capuchiceleste
Euphonia elegantissima
Resident, Common
Speckled Tanager
Tangara Moteada
Tangara guttata
Resident, Common
Silver-throated Tanager
Tangara Dorada
Tangara icterocephala
Resident, Abundant
Golden-hooded Tanager
Tangara Capuchidorada
Tangara larvata
Resident, Common
Bay-headed Tanager
Tangara Cabecicastaña
Tangara gyrola
Resident, Common
Green Honeycreeper
Mielero Verde
Chlorophanes spiza
Resident, Common
Spangled-cheeked Tanager
Tangara Vientricastaña
Tangara dowii
Resident, Common
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
Mielero Celeste y Negro
Dacnis venusta
Resident, Common
Blue-gray Tanager
Tangara Azuleja
Thraupis episcopus
Resident, Uncommon
Scarlet-rumped (Cherrie's) Tanager
Tangara de Passerini
Ramphocelus passerinii
Resident, Common
Summer Tanager
Tangara Veranera
Piranga rubra
Migratory, Uncommon
Hepatic Tanager
Tangara Bermeja
iranga flava
Resident, Rare
White-winged Tanager
Tangara Aliblanca
Piranga leucoptera
Resident, Uncommon
Common Bush Tanager
Tangara de Monte Ojeruda
Chlorospingus ophthalmicus
Resident, Abundant
Sooty-capped Bush Tanager
Tangara de Monte Cejiblanca
Chlorospingus pileatus
Resident, Rare
Flame-colored Tanager
Tangara Dorsirrayada
Piranga bidentata
Resident, Common
Sulphur-Rumped Tanager
Tangara Lomiazufrada
Heterospingus rubifrons
Resident, Uncommon
Buff-throated Saltator
Saltator Gorgianteado
Saltator maximus
Resident, Uncommon
Streaked Saltator
Saltator Listado
Saltator albicollis
Resident, Common
Black-thighed Grosbeak
Picogrueso Vientriamarillo
Pheucticus tibialus
Resident, Uncommon
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Picogrueso Pechirrosado
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Migratory, Rare
Yellow-faced Grassquit
Semillerito Cariamarillo
Tiaris olivacea
Resident, Abundant
Blue Seedeater
Semillero Azulado
Amaurospiza concolor
Resident, Rare
Slaty Flowerpiercer
Pinchaflor Plomizo
Diglossa plumbea
Resident, Uncommon
Yellow-thighed Finch
Saltón de Muslos Amarillos
Pselliophorus tibialis
Resident, Abundant
Yellow-throated Brush Finch
Saltón Gargantiamarilla
Atlapetes gutturalis
Resident, Uncommon
Chestnut-capped Brush Finch
Saltón Cabecicastaño
Atlapetes brunneinucha
Resident, Common
Rufus-collared Sparrow
Zonotrichia capensis
Resident, Abundant
Lesser Goldfinch
Jilguero Minor
Carduelis psaltria
Resident, Uncommon
Yellow-bellied Siskin
Jilguero Vientriamarillo
Carduelis xanthogastra
Resident, Uncommon
English Name
(Click on link for photo)
Spanish Name
Scientific Name
Spider Monkey
Mono Araña
Ateles geoffroyi
Resident, Uncommon
Capuchin Monkey
Mono Cara Blanca
Cebus capucinus
Resident, Uncommon
Conner Monkey
Mono Feo
Humanis Papi Crackis
Migratory, Uncommon
Dasyprocta punctata
Resident, Uncommon
Agouti paca
Resident, Uncommon
Nine-Banded Armadillo
Cusco, Armadillo
Dasypus novemcinctus
Resident, Common
Four-eyed Opossum
Zorro del Agua
Philander opossum
Resident, Uncommon
Common Opossum
Zorro Pelón
Didelphis marsupialis
Resident, Common
Collared Peccary
Tayassu tajacu
Resident, Common
Eira barbara
Resident, Ccommon
León del Montaña
Felis concolor
Resident, Uncommon
León Breñero
Felis yagouaroundi
Resident, Common
Canis latrans
Resident, Common
Nasua narica
Resident, Common
Procyon lotor
Resident, Common
Potus flavus
Resident, Common
Cottontail Rabbit
Silvilagus floridanus
Resident, Common
Red-tailed Squirrel
Ardilla Roja
Sciurus granatensis
Resident, Common
Spiny Pocket Mouse
Ratón Semiespinosa
Heteromys desmarestianus
Resident, Common
Vampire Bat
Desmodus rotundus
Resident, Common
English Name
(Click on link for photo)
Spanish Name
Scientific Name
Culebra de Dos Cabezas
Oscaecillia osca
Resident, Uncommon
Glass Frog
Ranita de Vidrio
Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum
Resident, Uncommon
Haematiticus Toad
Bufo haematiticus
Resident, Uncommon
Marine Toad
Sapo Grande
Bufo marinus
Resident, Common
Barred Forest Racer
Dendrophidion percarinatum
Resident, Common
Black-tailed Worm Snake
Culebra de Tierra Cola Negra
Geophis talamancae
Resident, Common
Fire-Bellied Snake
Falsa Coral de Quebrada
Liophis epinephalus
Resident, Common
Black Speckled Pit Viper
Bothriechis nigroviridis
Resident, Uncommon
Stripe-sided Palm Pit viper
Bothriechis lateralis
Resident, Uncommon
Fer de Lance
Bothros asper
Resident, Uncommon
Anole Lizard
Norops polylepis
Resident, Common
Common Basilisk
Basilisco Commun
Basiliscus basiliscus
Resident, Uncommon
Spiny Lizard
Largartija Espinosa
Sceloporus malachiticus
Resident, Common
Escincela Parda
Sphenomorphus cherriei
Resident, Common
Butterflies observed by Bob Yukich are found here